Alphamale – Мagasin de muscle

Sustanon-NP Pharmacy

85,00лв. (43.46 €)
UGS : c4b8bb990423 Catégories : , Étiquettes : , , , , ,

Sustanon by NP Pharmacy is a product with 4 esters of Testosterone for fast and at the same time slow absorption of the drug. Sustanon (Organon) is a powerful anabolic steroid, widely used in steroid cycles to increase muscle mass and strength.
Sustanon NP is a Testosterone complex composed of 4 esters. The esters are selected so that the compound has both fast and slow action. The first two esters – Propionate and Phenylpropionate – start working one hour after the injection, the other two esters continue to be released within 15 days of the injection. This makes the product effective enough even with one injection per week.

Sustanon NP is a quality complex of Testosterone esters. It acts like all oily testosterone products, with the difference that you do not need frequent injections. Its high concentration makes it highly effective for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. It is a very good product for powerful accumulation of size, muscle mass and strength. The presence of different types of testosterone esters contributes to the good satiety in the body.

Sustanon – Description, Effect and Action.

Sustanon (Sustanone) is the most widely used anabolic drug for increasing muscle mass and strength. Sustanon is the trade name of a product manufactured by NP Pharmacy, with the active substance testosterone to which 4 different esters have been added, for fast release and slow action over time. Thus, Testosterone is effective only a few hours after injection and lasts up to 4 weeks.

Active ingredients in Sustanon:

  • Testosterone Propionate 30 mg.
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg.
  • Testosterone Isocaporate 60 mg.
  • Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg.

Effect and action of Sustanon 250mg:

Sustanon (Sustanon) is well known to strength athletes and bodybuilders, who always use it in a cycle for mass, volume and strength. Its composition has a strong anabolic effect and a strong androgenic effect. The product is composed of four testosterone esters, each of which has a different time of disintegration and absorption in the body. Sustanon starts to work from the moment of injection to 15-18 days, and the peak moment of saturation is around the 10th day.

Testosterone greatly increases protein synthesis, increases muscle mass and strength, regulates sperm production, enhances sexual desire, increases aggression, reduces sensitivity to pain, stimulates the sebaceous glands in the skin and stimulates the release of pheromones.
Like any anabolic steroid with testosterone, Sustanon has the ability to retain water and nitrogen in the tissues. This is due to the action of Testosterone to aromatize. This makes it one of the most effective and high-quality preparations for a large increase in muscle mass and strength.
   Athletes who will be tested for doping should know that Sustanon can be detected in the body up to 4-5 months after the last injection.

   Side Effects:
Anabolic steroids and their possible side effects can affect individuals in different ways. This means that not only the positive effects and action of anabolics may be different, but the manifestation of side effects is different.

Possible side effects and side effects when taking Testosterone:

Water retention, acne and oily skin, gynecomastia in sensitive individuals, increased aggression, nervousness, prostate problems when used by older men, frequent – prolonged painful erections of the penis (priapism), reduced sperm count, in genetically predisposed to baldness is possible intensification of hair loss, elevated levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, premature sexual development when used in younger boys.

Like all products that contain Testosterone, Sustanon NP Pharmacy is highly anabolic and androgenic. Its use is accompanied by water retention in the tissues, due to which you may notice swelling. In the main period for gaining mass, this is not a problem, but in preparation for the race (relief phase), water retention is not desirable. Therefore, this Testosterone complex is mainly used during the period of growth and gaining muscle mass.

Sustanon NP Pharmacy is a strong product and is prone to aromatization (conversion to estrogen). Used properly and in normal doses, it is good for gaining weight, but in high doses, the aromatization becomes too high and the risk of estrogen-related side effects increases. It is possible the appearance of gynecomastia, which is so unpleasant for every man. This should be clear to more sensitive individuals, who should take Proviron with them to prevent gynecomastia from occurring at the first symptoms.


⇒ Detailed information about Sustanon


The materials on the site are for informational and educational purposes, do not constitute medical advice, incentives or recommendations. The information (side effects from AAS) provided describes the negative effects of doping well enough so that consumers can make their own decisions in the interests of their health and safety. Consumers should consult a doctor before resorting to any preparations. The decision to purchase, take and use anabolic androgenic steroids is solely the responsibility of the user and this site holds no such responsibility!

Poids 0,08 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 7 cm

10 ampules (250mg / 1ml)

Active substance

Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate




NP Pharmacy


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85,00лв. (43.46 €)