Alphamale – Мagasin de muscle

Primobolan Depot-Military Pharmaceuticals

80,00лв. (40.90 €)
UGS : c165ed49edbd Catégories : , Étiquettes : , , , , ,

PRIMO 150 is a quality Metenolone Enanthate with high purity. The product has an active content of Methenolone Enanthate 100 mg in 1 ampoule. Primobolan is the softest and lightest injectable anabolic steroid, but it is still very effective. It is used by fitness trainers and bodybuilders for definition or gaining lean muscle mass.

Properties, effect and action

Primobolan has a long action due to the Enanthate ester, which is why it is called Primobolan Depot. It is one of the safest and at the same time effective injectable anabolic steroids. This is often the product that bodybuilders use in the breaks between heavy steroid cycles to maintain themselves! Primobolan is considered to be the only one that is able to increase muscle mass during a period of low-carbohydrate diet!

Primobolan does not aromatize in any doses, and keeps estrogen levels low. This makes Methenolone Enanthate a very good anabolic steroid in a cycle for definition and lean muscle mass.

Due to its extremely low androgenic action and good anabolic effect, Methenolone enanthate is a widely used anabolic steroid by both men and women. Women like it because the side effects of this anabolic drug are minimized.

Primobolan has good reviews from fitness trainers, and coaches and athletes believe that it is one of the safest anabolic steroids.


⇒ Detailed information about Primobolan Depot


The materials on the site are for informational and educational purposes, do not constitute medical advice, incentives or recommendations. The information (side effects from AAS) provided describes the negative effects of doping well enough so that consumers can make their own decisions in the interests of their health and safety. Consumers should consult a doctor before resorting to any preparations. The decision to purchase, take and use anabolic androgenic steroids is solely the responsibility of the user and this site holds no such responsibility!

Poids 0,08 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 7 cm

1vial / 1lm (150mg/ml)

Active substance

Metenolone Enanthate




Military Pharmaceuticals


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