Pregnyl 5000 I.U is used by bodybuilders and athletes to restore the Testosterone levels, counter the testicular atrophy and to burn the fats in the human body. The last should be followed by a strict low calorie diet and is efficient among women as well. Chorionic gonadotropin also eliminates some of the side effects of anabolic steroids, as well as keeps the gained muscle mass. In case of testicular problems HCG works by sending artificial signals to the testes thus preventing their atrophy. It not only helps to maintain testicular size and condition but it will also help in restoring testicles back to their original size.
Pregnyl – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has an effect and action similar to luteinizing hormone (LH) produced in the pituitary gland in men and women. HCG together with fulicostimulating hormone supports and controls the functions of the reproductive organs in men and women (helps the proper development of sperm and egg).
This is only an information on the use of Pregnyl 5000 by athletes using anabolic steroids to help them deal with their side effects. This information should not be treated as a medical opinion and should not be used for self-medication! If necessary, consult a qualified doctor!
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