Alphamale – Мagasin de muscle

Ostarine MK2866-Xstream Force

85,00лв. (43.46 €)
UGS : e847d18006f6 Catégories : , Étiquettes : , , , , ,

XStreamForce SARMs – OSTARINE (MK-2866) otherwise known as Enobosarm, has been described in studies as being an extremely close relation to the anabolic compound D-var. It reduces body fat all the while increasing lean muscle mass.

It also has the best muscle tissue healing ability of all the SARMs. So, you can work out harder and longer!

XStreamForce SARMs – MK-2866 creates an anabolic effect on muscle tissue fully so it’s not only a potential for curing muscle wasting ailments but also it has great potential for muscle building for athletes. It is also an agent to reduce degeneration during recovery times from serious surgery or similar conditions.

In terms of muscle building, XStreamForce MK-2866 users have proven that can help improve lean muscle mass and strength levels and also maintain muscle mass during a cutting phase.

  • 99% Pure SARMs
  • Pharmaceutical grade
  • Manufactured in the EU
  • Compounded by XStreamForce’s Pharmacologist
  • HPLC Tested
  • Free International Shipping
  • Scientific-backed advice and assistance

What makes Ostarine so unique? Is it suitable for bulking? What should you consider when choosing a provider? Find answers to these and other questions in the following article.

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 or Enobosarm, is a SARM – Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. As the name suggests, these active ingredients only bind to androgen receptors. These receptors are mainly found in muscles and bones, so SARMs cause far fewer side effects than steroids or prohormones.

Ostarine was founded by a company specializing in the synthesis of highly selective substances to prevent muscle-damaging diseases.

Clinical studies conducted on people with severe burns, cancer, end-stage renal failure, osteoporosis and hypogonadism have confirmed the anabolic effects of Ostarine on muscles and bones. It is also worth noting that no effect on the prostate, liver or hair was observed.

As you can guess, MK-2866 quickly gained popularity among athletes thanks to its incredible abilities to maintain muscles in adverse conditions

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. Sold for research purposes only. Not sold for human consumption.

Poids 0,08 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 7 cm

Capsules 90x10mg


XSF Group

Type by

Ladies, Mass Gain, Recomp, Strenght


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85,00лв. (43.46 €)