What Novetropin is and what it is used for:
Your medicine, or rather the medicine that will take care of you, is called Novetropin. It contains growth hormone, which is also called Somatropin. Novetropin is produced by a special process known as recombinant DNA technology. It has the same structure as the growth hormone produced by the human body.
Growth hormone regulates the growth and development of cells in the human body. When it stimulates the growth of cells in the spine and in the long bones of the legs, growth hormone causes weight gain.
In growth hormone deficiency, the hormone also increases bone mineral content, the number and size of muscle cells, and also reduces body fat.
Novetropin is used for:
– In the treatment of children and adolescents with some of the following growth disorders:
- Insufficient production of growth hormone (growth hormone deficiency);
- Absence of all or deficiency of X-chromosomes in women of short stature (Turner’s syndrome);
- A condition in which the kidneys are damaged (chronic kidney problems) in children before puberty and growth retardation.
- Smaller by birth.
In the treatment of adults who have confirmed growth hormone deficiency in early childhood or adolescence.
If you need a more complete description of the properties and action of the medicine, you can find such information in the product leaflet. You can get a detailed description there.
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